Respuesta :
flexibility : using your joints through a full range of motion
strength : amount of force your muscles can produce
speed : performing a movement in a short period of time
balance : holding your posture and position while standing still and/or moving
muscular endurance : ability to use muscles repeatedly over a long period of time without getting too tired
cardiovascular fitness : activities that allow you to work out in your target heart rate zone using plenty of oxygen
reaction time : ability to react when presented with a stimulus
coordination : using your senses and body parts together
power : using speed and strength together
agility: quickly changing your body position and controlling your movements
flexibility - the range of movement possible at the joint
strength - the ability yo over come a resistance
speed - the maximum rate a which a individual is able to cover a distance
muscular endurance - the ability of a muscle or a group of muscle repeat a contraction with out tiering
cardiovascular endurance - is the ability to supply oxygen to the working muscles