In the classic tale Moby D*i*c*k*, Captain Ahab is consumed by his need to punish the white whale that sank his boat and took his leg. This obsession takes over the captain's mind, and he drowns during another encounter with the whale.

What is the resolution in this story?

The white whale sank the Captain's boat.
The Captain drowns during another encounter with the whale.
The white whale takes the Captain's leg.
The obsession to hunt the whale takes over the Captain's mind.

Respuesta :

I'd say option B, because that is how the story or the main problem was "resolved" (as the phrase suggests) or taken care of.

The resolution in this story is The obsession to hunt the whale takes over the Captain's mind.

What is the summary of the Moby-?

Moby-or, The Whale is an 1851 novel via way of means of American creator Herman Melville. The-e book is the sailor Ishmael's narrative of the obsessive quest of Ahab, captain of the whaling deliver Pequod, for revenge on Moby , the massive white sperm whale that at the deliver's preceding voyage bit off Ahab's leg on the knee.

This obsession takes over the captain's mind, and he drowns during another encounter with the whale.

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