On this page, there are many instances of character development and figurative language that could be annotated.
A few examples would be:
“I wouldn’t allow myself to steal a can...I must have weighed the possibility of the scent exposing me and didn’t have the nerve to attempt it.”
This represents character develop,ent because it shows that the character is cautious and cares about the consequences of her actions.
“”...looked like and unopened present from a stranger.”
This is a simile that shows he mystery and intrigue the store holds to the narrator speaking here.
“Opening the front doors was pulling the ribbon off the unexpected gift.”
This is a metaphor that suggests the surprises that the store holds for the narrator.
A few sentences later there is personification describing the light.
The character’s momma is also developed with details of the time period with “Momma opened boxes of crispy crackers and we sat around the meat block at the rear of the store.
I hope this helps! :)
Maya Angelou has a ton of figurative language in her writing. Very thorough and descriptive. ;)