Respuesta :

The answer is Excerpt 3. The third excerpt matches the attached image.

The excerpt starts off by describing a fixed arm that extends from the earth to the sun, which is present in the image. The excerpt also mentions point P which is also apart of the given image.
I think what you are trying to d it connect the diagram with the explanation it is used for. That being so, the explanation of 3 is the one that you should be looking at. The diagrams explains carefully how Venus can be both the morning and the evening star. It explains why there are peculiarities in Venus' orbit. This is your answer 3

A incorrect because it argues why some constellations can only be seen in the northern hemisphere and some on the southern. By so doing it explains why the earth cannot be flat.

The second paragraph explains again why the earth must be round and not flat. It comes about because the bottom part of a ship disappears when the ship is far enough from shore.

The last paragraph is incorrect because it is talking about the way the earth would have to be situated if it was the center of the universe. It would have to be unable to rotate (not true, it does rotate) and it would have to show no lateral movement at all (also not true). There is too much in the sky that argues against this latter idea.