Respuesta :
In this article, the author wanted to explain about yellow fever, putting some data about this disease, alerts and how to identify it, its reactions. Yellow fever is an acute febrile infectious disease, caused by a virus transmitted by mosquito vectors. This disease has two sort of cycles: wild (when there is transmission in rural or forest) and urban. The virus is transmitted by the bite of infected transmitting mosquitoes and there is no direct transmission from person to person.
Yellow fever has epidemiological importance because of its clinical severity and potential for spread in urban areas infested with the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The yellow fever mosquito can live in forests as well as in the urban environment, where the greatest proliferation of yellow fever occurs, as this mosquito can infect a larger number of people.
The main symptoms are: The initial symptoms of yellow fever are:
1. sudden onset of fever;
2. chills;
3. severe headache;
4. back pains;
5. body aches in general;
6. nausea and vomiting;
7. fatigue and weakness.