Major survival surgery on non-rodent mammals
Major survival surgery in non-rodent mammals must be conducted in dedicated facilities. Major survival
surgery penetrates and exposes a body cavity, produces substantial impairment of physical or physiologic
functions, orinvolves extensive tissue dissection ortransection (e.g., laparotomy, thoracotomy, joint
replacement, and limb amputation). The ultimate decision to classify a surgery as major or minor will be
made by the IACUC. Investigators cannot perform major survival surgery in non-rodent mammals in their
own laboratories, but must make use of IACUC approved survival surgery suites that meet federal standards.
Major operative procedures on non-rodents will be conducted only in facilities intended forthat purpose
which shall be operated and maintained under aseptic conditions. Dedicated surgery suites must be
approved by the IACUC priorto use and inspected semi-annually. Contact the IACUC office for additional
details regarding dedicated surgical suites and major versus minor surgical classifications.