
the use of the atomic bomb against Japanese civilians and military personnel was a morally acceptable method to end world war II

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My unprofessional opinion is that the atomic bomb was a morally acceptable method to end the war because, the US army had been fighting for three years in three different theaters of war at the same time, and were morally, resourcefully, and physically tired. The Japanese had a standing army of about 2 million soldiers (Don't quote me) and were expecting and prepared for an invasion of their mainland. which would have resulted in countless more casualties for America, and many for Japanese in military and civilian occupations. the destructive force of the nuclear bombs also weren't much more destructive than the already ongoing firebombings of major, and strategic citys like Tokyo. Although one round of bombing aren't devastating as a nuclear bomb. what did happen was dozens of bombings over short periods of time. in my opinion, and opinion alone I believe that the firebombings were more unethical than nuclear warfare.