Could someone please check my answers?
Credit APR
Excellent 4.75%
Good 5.00%
Average 5.85%
Fair 6.40%
Poor 7.50%
Credit APR
Excellent 5.50%
Good 5.90%
Average 6.75%
Fair 7.25%
Poor 8.40%
12. You are purchasing a car for $12,465.00 plus 5.65% sales tax. You make a $1,300.00 down payment and have a fair credit score. How much interest is due at the end of the first month? 63.30
13. If you improved your credit score to good and paid $1,500 on your purchase from question 12, how much interest could you save in the first month? 14.68
14. You have a credit card that has a balance of $3,489.90 and a credit limit of $5,000. How much is the balance over the acceptable debt ratio percentage? 69.7%
15. Using the credit card from question 14, if y