What is the correct order of events in this story?
When Rachel got home, she talked to
her mom about her problems and
tried to convince her to take the cookies
and sell them at her office.
Rachel was really nervous about selling
cookies. She didn't like talking to people
she didn’t know very well. She didn’t
think she would do a good job selling
cookies, but she really wanted to
win the prize!
Rachel's mom told her not to give
up so fast. She encouraged her to
try harder and visit more houses.
Rachel had to sell cookies in her
neighborhood for her outdoor club.
The three top sellers would get to go
on a camping trip with girls from other clubs.
Rachel's mother told her to start with
friendly banter when someone answered
the door and gave her some ideas.
So Rachel decided to take her mom’s
advice and try it again.
Despite her nervousness, Rachel mustered
the courage to visit five houses in her
neighborhood. None of them agreed
to buy her cookies, and she walked
home dejected.
With her new confidence, Rachel
managed to charm many of her neighbors
into buying her cookies. She even went
back to the houses that had said “no”
and convinced a few of them! Confidence
and politeness can do wonders.
(can u put them in order?)