At the beginning of the story, we meet the narrator, who tells the tale of Captain Ahab and the crew of his ship, the Pequod. Captain Ahab soon reveals the purpose of this voyage, which is to hunt down a white whale that injured him. Before long, the whale is sighted. As he tries unsuccessfully to capture the whale, Ahab is killed. Those who follow Ahab meet the same fate, and the Pequod is destroyed. The conflict has been resolved and order restored — at the expense of the Pequod, its crew, and its captain. At the end of the novel, the narrator explains how he lived to tell the tale. Which sentence describes the falling action of the story?

Respuesta :

the falling action is ... The conflict has been resolved and order restored — at the expense of the Pequod, its crew, and its captain. 

The conflict has been resolved and order restored — at the expense of the Pequod, its crew, and its captain, describes the falling action of the story.

What is the story of Captain Ahab?

Captain Ahab is a fictional character in the novel , that was written by Herman Melville in 1851.

His leg was bitten off by by the huge white whale, and from that time he started his difficult rival.

He worn out peg leg that represents his energy and determination.

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