Since all Japanese Americans on the west coast were affected, including the elderly, women, and children, federal officials attempted to conduct the massive incarceration in a humane manner. However, by the time the last internees were released in 1946, the Japanese Americans had lost homes and businesses estimated to be worth, in 1999 values, 4 to 5 billion dollars. Deleterious effects on Japanese American individuals, their families, and their communities, were immeasurable.

Which of the following student note cards pulled from this passage is an example of plagiarism?
A) The government tried to be humane/still very serious and lasting effects.
B) Deleterious effects on Japanese American individuals, their families, and their communities, were immeasurable.
C) "Since all Japanese Americans on the west coast were affected, including the elderly, women, and children, federal officials attempted to conduct the massive incarceration in a humane manner."
D) Prisoners lost as much as 4 - 5 billion $ and suffered "immeasurable" other effects.