Who here is great at creative writing? Please write a poem about a personal hero using at least three examples of figurative language. The poem must be a minimum of 12 lines, but structure is up to you.

Respuesta :

Grandfather, you are my rock and my compass
Though times change and changes grow with the times
You never falter from the truth
Your guidance still remains a light in the darkness
Your kindness still remains a healing balm in times of deepest need
Your wit remains an artful skill to be admired
As sharp as the keen-edged sword
And ever as fresh as the morning dew
Your knowledge which could fill the sea with its depth
Has never born you up to vanity
The only pride I see in your eyes
Is the kind that makes me proud as well
Proud to have earned your admiration
Proud to have earned your respect
Proud to have earned your trust
Proud to be your grandson
Proud for you to be my hero