When you're utilizing search engines, what strategies can help you save time? check all that apply. use quotation marks. bookmark useful pages. use two or three search tools. use at least 10 words in your query. use words such as for, to, and from?

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To utilize your searches, you must use quotation marks around words in order to  search for an exact phrase. Certain symbols, such as the asterisk are also effective. These symbols are helpful when you are searching for a keyword but you are unsure of its spelling or if a word can be spelled in different ways or may contain different endings. 


Use quotation marks.

Bookmark useful pages.


These are two strategies that can help you save time when utilizing search engines. Using quotation marks allows you to look for the exact phrases or words that you desire. This enables you to filter through sources that might not be as related to your search. Another strategy is to bookmark useful pages. This is a good strategy because it allows you to come back to pages that were useful in the future, instead of having to look through various irrelevant sites again.