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D. is the answer.
Something primary to be considered here, is that being both fiscally conservative and socially liberal, is illogical. As economic policies have a direct impact on social justice, and every social issue has fiscal elements, what makes them economic issues as well, somehow.
- Social Liberalism, in opposition to Social Conservadorism is a social philosophy that focus on equality for all members in society. That is, to guarantee (or get closer to it, as possible) same rights for every one. Recurring discussion themes are 'Same chances of professional success for men and women'; same-sex marriage and racial politics.
- Fiscal Conservatism (or Economic Conservatism) is the political-economic philosophy regarding fiscals policy and responsibility that focus on reduced government spending and minimal government debt. For that, they generally aim to keep the minimum wage low and tax the rich lightly, under the excuse of 'promoting business'. Spending cuts on social programs and Protectionism are also common characteristics. On the other hand, Fiscal Liberalism characteristics are Free Trade policies and investiment on social programs.
Socially liberal, fiscally liberal, socially conservative, fiscally conservative
Democrat's social and fiscal policies were target more towards a form of progressive tax set up which makes available more services and bring about the reduction in inequality thereby resulting in the rich Americans paying more on tax relating to their income. The democrat fiscal policy aims to provide social services WHILE the progressive fiscal policies are targeted towards a free market where the success of individuals determines the prosperity of the economy. They believe equality in paying taxes either you are rich or poor. They do not support the democrat higher tax towards wealthy citizens because they are the ones that prove the job in society.