Great Chain of BeingsMuslims: Will of GodEurope: Divine Rights of KingsChina and Vietnam: Mandate of Heaven & Son of HeavenAnkor Empire EST 801 ADDewa – Rajas (God Kings)Buddha – Rajas (Buddha King)Criss-Cross Diffuision:-Commonalitity of agricultural techniques over large areas-Always have laborers and someone to manage the things-If there is agriculture, there would always be a system of laborers and managers-Agriculture lead to the landlord-peasant system of stratification-State organized societies were class societies and therefore had ruling class politics i.e. Africa-“peasants who were forced to give labour service or product or cash as rent or tribute or tax, who were not allowed to move free from the lord’s domain, were found in many parts of medieval asia and Africa as well”-found in Africa, Europe and Asia.