
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it. My husband was teaching me how to drive. After several driving lessons, he helped me to obtain learner's permit. It was particularly stressful being instructed by my husband. There were numerous occasions when he would shout at me, warning me of a pothole here, an obstruction there, and so on. I nearly had a head-on collision with a car which was racing down on the side of the lane. My husband shouted, "Stop!" In my confusion, I stepped on the acceleraton instead of the brake pedal. My husband had to pull up the handbrake while ordering me to foot off the accelerator. The car ground to a halt and a serious accident was averted Gradually, I became more confident. I began to take the car on short trips within the 3 neighbourhood, but my husband was always beside me, watching me like a hawk. He warned me not to drive the car without his consent; and that a licensed driver must always sit beside me. According to him. this was a basic traffic law and doing otherwise posed grave danger to me and other road users. Soon, I was on my annual leave. I planned to visit a friend whose father had just passed to the great beyond and also do my monthly grocery shopping. The following day, after my husband had gone to work, I took the car and set out on these errands. I started by going to the busy market situated along an expressway to buy the provisions I needed for the month. The trip was uneventful and I was very proud of myself for being able to navigate the busy market roads. As I was driving out of the market car park, I saw a colleague of mine and offered her a lift. She was excited to see me drive. Chatting excitedly, we continued the trip. We were about five hundred metres from where she would alight when a bus driver veered into my lane without giving a signal. I honked the horn, applied the brakes and swerved to the right to avoid a collision. Suddenly, I heard a bang; I had crashed the car into a stationary vehicle! A crowd gathered at the scene