BHS utilized open-ended questions to evaluate and monitor the client's progress since the previous session. Client stated " i have been doing okay", Client continues to report an increase of managing her symptoms linked to housing insecurities . BHS engaged the client reviewing previously submitted housing applications :
a. Max housing , BHS provided an update for the client , provided an email from Nancy, a housing specialist , detailing that the client's reference checks should be sent out within the month of May.
b. BHS educated the client on the process , provided insight on the wait time for this process to be completed .
c. BHS engaged the client in exploring the client's current stressors and concerns regarding her housing , client stated " i understand that there is a time period and things are falling into place , and i have to patient".
d. BHS provided additional housing resources to the client ; safe heaven , DV shelters and K&D income based housing , client informed BHS of wanting to continue to obtain housing through Max Housing due to the apartment complex meeting the client's overall physical and