please help me please I will give you all my points chemistry OGN 10 class

Solving experimental problems on the topic "Qualitative reactions to some anions"

Reagents: solutions of K₂SO₄, BaCl₂, Na₂CO₃, NaCl, Nal, NaBr, AgNO,, Na PO, solutions of HNO3, HCI.

Chemical glassware and laboratory equipment: test tubes, pieces

tives for test tubes. Safety precautions. Compliance with the rules for working with solutions of acids, alkalis and heating devices is required.


Experiment 1. Qualitative reaction to SO sulfate ions

To do this, place 2 ml of a solution of potassium sulfate K₂SO into a test tube and add 2 ml of a solution of barium chloride BaCl into the same test tube. A white precipitate of barium sulfate is formed. After settling, drain the liquid from the precipitate and add 2 ml of hydrochloric acid solution to the precipitate.
make sure that the white BaSO precipitate does not dissolve in it. Write the equations for the reactions performed in molecular and ionic (full and abbreviated) form.

Experiment 2. Qualitative reaction to carbonate ions CO

Pour 2 ml of sodium carbonate solution Na,CO into a test tube and add 2 ml of BaCI solution, observing the formation of a BaCO precipitate. After settling, drain the liquid from the sediment and treat the sediment with hydrochloric (2-3 ml) or nitric acid, observing the release of CO2.

Write the equations for the reactions performed in molecular and ionic (full and abbreviated) form.

Experiment 3. Qualitative reaction to phosphate ions POZ-

Pour 2 ml of barium chloride solution BaCI into a test tube, add to 2 ml of sodium phosphate salt solution Na PO. Write the observed effect, reaction equations (molecular, total and abbreviated ionic).

Experiment 4. Qualitative reactions to chloride, bromide and iodide anions Anions CI, Br I are detected with the help of silver nitrate. Silver nitrate AgNO3 forms with halide anions a white cheesy precipitate AgCl, a yellowish precipitate AgBr and a yellow precipitate AgI. Pour into three test tubes: into the first 2 ml of NaCl solution, into the second into the third 2 ml of NaBr, 2 ml of Naal into each test tube add 2 ml of AgNO3 solution. Write the equations for the
and ionic (full and abbreviated) form​