Driscoll Children's Hospital is located on the Texas Gulf Coast in Corpus Christi (Cause IQ, n.d.) Driscoll Children's Hospital serves all children with medical and behavioral issues without regard to the ability to pay (Cause IQ, n.d.). Of all hospital visits, males accounted for 52%, with Hispanics comprising the majority at 81.8% (Araiza, 2022). Non-Hispanic Whites represented 13.6% of visits, Blacks accounted for 3.2%, and Asians constituted less than 0.5% (Araiza, 2022). Reflecting on my commitment to clients and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within the framework discussed in the Price (2020) article, I understand the significance of consistently reevaluating and enhancing my methods in social work practice. I am committed to ensuring that my practice reflects the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Connecting with peers and colleagues who have faced similar experiences can be incredibly beneficial for strengthening resilience and effectively maneuvering through difficulties (Sharma & Gupta, 2024). I recognize the importance of ongoing education in Human Behavior in the Social Environment theories, especially in understanding how systemic factors affect individuals with marginalized and privileged identities (Sharma & Gupta, 2024). The culture of the agency and the population I serve have influenced my social work approach in practice. I envisioned that the environments where I would practice would represent the principles of DEI. The culture within the hospital establishes the foundation for the approach to client care and reflects the hospital's values, directly shaping my interactions with clients and the delivery of services. I actively listen to understand each individual's viewpoints and needs to ensure that my communication, assessments, and interventions are equitable and inclusive (Tennant et al., 2023). I offer language interpretation services or alternative communication methods to accommodate clients facing language barriers or disabilities. In addition, I utilize assessment tools validated for diverse populations to ensure they are culturally unbiased. One concrete way I will advance my application of DEI within this agency setting is by continually seeking opportunities for learning and improvement (Baylor University, 2022). This commitment to ongoing growth is essential for becoming and remaining an effective social worker (Baylor University, 2022). I can initiate and participate in regular discussions on DEI topics such as cultural competency and understanding privilege and oppression. Through active participation in these discussions, I will enhance my understanding of DEI principles and their application in social work (Baylor University, 2022).
1. Describe insights you have gained from reading this post. Then, identify an additional way they could advance DEI within their setting.