Topic :School Lunch in Boston Public schools
Essential question : Does the quality of school lunch improve education outcomes?
1. Start with an exciting hook that grabs the reader’s attention about your topic.
2. Introduces the types of research sources used and why.
3. Include a statement that identifies your solution.
4. Explain the major takeaways from the research (your answers to the essential questions)
5. Explain how your project connects or reflects on the research that you conducted
6. What is your topic about? Provide context.
7. Write your thesis. What is your answer to the essential question?
8. What is your roadmap for the paper? What will you be writing in this paper?
9. Based on your research, how does the issue exist, and why is it relevant to students?
10. What should be done to address the issue according to what you learned?
11. What solutions are feasible to make a change to the issue
12. What is the action that you took?
13. How does your action help create change to the issue