‎‫استم reading of the water mumption for each they are‬‎

143 water consumption for January



-025 203 m water consumption for February


0651 0452 water consumption for March 192 m²

b. To get the total amount of water consumed 142203192-537 m²

To get the average monthly consumption

537 Average monthly consumption 3 = 179 m²


a. They consumed 142 m³ for January, 203 m³ for February, 192 m³ for March.

D. The total consumption for 3 months is 537 m²

C. The average monthly consumption is about 179 m²

Check: Check your answer. This is one way on how to check if your answer is correct: Go back to your computation, check if all the given values are properly used.

Directions: A. Encircle the letter of the correct reading of the following dials.



a. 22143

b. 21113

c. 21213

d. 22114
