) A certain 6/4 GHz satellite uplink has earth station EIRP is 80 dBW; Earth
station satellite distance is 35780 Km; attenuation due to atmospheric factors
is 2 dB; satellite antennas aperture efficiency is 0.8; satellite antennas
aperture area is 0.5 m2
; satellite receivers effective noise temperature is
190 K; satellite receivers bandwidth is 20 MHz. Determine the link margin
for satisfactory quality of service if the threshold value of received carrier
to noise ratio is 25 dB.ii) A geostationary satellite transmits 5 W of power with an antenna having a
gain of 28 dB. The downlink is operated at 4 GHz and the receive antenna
is a dish with diameter of 3.6 m. Compute the EIRP transmitted and the
power received by the receiving antenna. Assume the receiver antenna
efficiency to be 0.7 and all the other losses to be 2 dB