Obtain plots to depict how the (i) specific thrust; (ii) thrust specific fuel consumption (TSFC); (iii) thermal efficiency; (iv) propulsive efficiency and (v) overall efficiency of a turbojet engine vary with altitude z for z=0 (sea level) to z=15 km. Assume a flight Mach number of M₀ = 0.8 , a compressor stagnation pressure ratio of πc =20 and an allowable turbine inlet total temperature of Tₜ₄ =2000 K. Assume that the gas is a perfect gas with γ=1.4 and R=0.287 kJ/(kg⋅K). Assume a heating value of QR =43MJ/kg. Assume the engine to be ideal. Repeat the above analysis for a flight Mach number of M₀ =2.2 with all other factors remaining constant.