Vusi Tanda is a tour guide at the Kruger National Park. Vusi received R1 above his basic salary for each visitor he accompanied at the park. The document below shows Vusi's salary advice for one month. Worker Banking details ID nr Pay date INCOME Basic salary Vusi Tanda Riverside Bank Account nr: 100 023 4567 730214 4801 076 31 Jan 2023 Commission Gross Income AMOUNT DEDUCTIONS R7.500,00 PAYE (tax) Medical Aid Pension fund UIF Total deductions Nett Salary e the information above to answer the questions that follow Define nett salary in the given context. Calculate Vusi's commission for the month of January if he accompa during the month. (Value of A) Calculate Vusi's gross income for the month of January. (Value of B Calculate Vusi's monthly pension fund contribution, if he contribute monthly basic salary towards his pension. (Value of C) Calculate his total deductions for the month of January. (Value of D Show how Vusi's nett salary was determined. Determine the percentage of his basic salary that is deducted as PA