ne nas six full-time zoo workers to help him see to the health of the 4000-odd an Based on your understanding, answer the following questions: a) Wh
at are the different roles played by Dr. Vellayan? b) What does Dr. Vellayan observe during his rounds? c) Why does Dr. Vellayan lament sometimes? d) In spite of a demanding job, Dr. Vellayan considers himself fortunate. Why? e) to be 'on call' means 1. to visit someone 2. to be ready to go and help whenever needed 3. to talk to someone on telephone 4. to say or shout something so that someone can hear f) Which of the following best describes Dr. Vellayan 1. demanding and arrogant 2. dedicated and responsible 3. careless and irresponsible 4. Hard-working and curious g) Find out the word from Para 4 which means same as 'agreement' h) Find out the word from Para 4 which is the opposite of 'delights'