Which eight (8) of the following measures and procedure are ones that you would undertake if you notice that there is a pest or animal infestation in the dry store area?
a. Inform your customers that an outbreak has occurred
b. Inform your supervisor and dispose contaminated items promptly according to workplace procedure
c. If contamination has occurred on food items, identify and keep separate from other foodstuff
d. What type of infestation - is it a pest or animal infestation
e. Remove exposed food items that are not contaminated to another storage facility
f. Write down a summary report and submit to your immediate supervisor on your findings and some recommended corrective action to ensure the infestation is eliminated, such as to increase frequency of pest control, lay pest traps, increase frequency of cleaning, sanitising and maintenance of the area
g. Check the pest control log sheet to find out if an inspection is due or overdue
h. Check that contamination has not occurred on any exposed food items
i. Find out the cause and reason of this infestation