Barrett (2008) proposed, "While no way is likely to guarantee good results for all organizations, most of the skills you as a leader need to build and manage a high-performing team tie directly to your leadership communication ability" (p.270). Furthermore, effective teams are guided by effective leaders and the effectiveness of his or his communication skill! Yet, a high performing team takes time to form and build. The process does not happen overnight, though! I have had many leaders in my lifetime, and some individuals were charismatic, and others were less than compelling. However, the charismatic leaders were able to easily influence the team to complete objectives without a sweat! These individuals possessed effective communications skills! Do you all believe that the most charismatic individuals are the most effective and persuasive communicators?
a) Yes, because charisma naturally leads to effective communication.
b) No, because charisma does not always equate to persuasive communication.
c) Maybe, it depends on the context and audience.
d) It's hard to say, as charisma and communication skills can vary.