An electromotive force of π 200e⁵ᵗ π volts is attached in series with a 20 ohm resistor and 0.01 farad capacitor. Assuming the charge is zero when π t=0 π, find the charge and current at any time, also.
a) Charge: π 0.01(1-e⁻⁵ᵗ) π, Current: π 10e⁻⁵ᵗ π
b) Charge: π 0.01(1+e⁻⁵ᵗ) π, Current: π 10e⁵ᵗ π
c) Charge: π 0.01(e⁻⁵ᵗ-1) π, Current: π 10e⁻⁵ᵗ π
d) Charge: π 0.01(e⁵ᵗ-1) π, Current: π 10e⁵ᵗ π