Assignment Overview Understanding the types of educational requirements necessary for specific jobs and career paths will allow you to determine if a specific career fits your future goals. In this assignment you will identify the educational requirements for three (3) specific jobs. While none of these may be on your career list, this will be an important exercise in learning how to find the information for a career path you might be interested in. Assignment Directions Step 1: Research the educational requirements for the following three positions: ramp support in a commercial airline operator/driver of a mass transit engine entry-level flight traffic controller Step 2: Outline the specific educational requirements needed to be hired in this field. Step 3: Determine if any of these positions can be obtained without secondary education. Determine if any of these positions have secondary education as at least one of the possible mandatory requirements for employment in the field. Investigate how further education or certification can impact salary, benefits, and future opportunities. Submission requirements: Student can use any of the references provided within the three-lesson set, or do further web research. Identify each of the positions researched. For each position, list skills required and certifications or licenses necessary. Create a chart for the skills required, certifications, licenses, compensation and the relationship between education and salary. Include your resources. Submit to your instructor electronically.