sin Column B to the word(s) in Column A. Only write in the last column. E.g 3.1.12 N COLUMN A COLUMN B .1.1 Natal .1.2 India A B Home of independent Griqua and Khoikhoi Did not want to work for British colony .1.3 Orange Free State C 3.1.4 The Cape D 8.1.5 Orange River E 8.1.6 Zulu Kingdom 3.1.7 Mahatma Gandhi 3.1.8 Britain 3.1.9 Wool 1.1.10 Cotton An export product of India The origin of indentured workers in Natal A Passenger Indian who lived in SA for 20 y F The oldest southern Africa British Colony G Became independent in 1806 HA colony that was known for growing differe The main export of the Cape Colony J Became an independent republic in 1854 K Raw materials were sent here to be process Question 4 4.1 Read Source A and answer the questions that follow