Due to the variety of projects performed for other agencies, for the past 5 years employees in Agency N have typically been required to complete a training program on how to record and report time spent on various projects, regardless of their previous employment history. Linda, who was very recently hired in the recruitment department of the Agency, does not have to go through the training program. Which of the following statements, if true, does NOT offer a reasonable explanation for the observation described above? radio_button_unchecked Linda will only be with the agency for a short period of time, so her supervisor will do her time recording for her. radio_button_unchecked Employees who work in the recruitment department do not have varying projects, making most of the training irrelevant. radio_button_unchecked Linda is an instructor for this program, so she must complete an alternative program. radio_button_unchecked Linda is an independent contractor, and therefore does not fall under the requirement for the training. radio_button_unchecked Employees hired before the requirement was put in place do not have to go through the training.