QUESTION START W TABLE 2 indianes are tax tables for the 2021/2022 tax year TABLE TAX RATES FOR THE 2021/2022 TAXABLE INCOME (RY 216 201-337 800 337 501-467 500 867 301-613 600 6X3 601-782/200 782 201-1656 600 1656 601 and above RATES OF TAX (Y 18% of taxable income 38 916 26% of taxable income above 216/200 70 5323126 of taxable income above 337 800 110739 +30% of taxable income above 467 500 163 33339% of taxable income above 613 600 229.089 41% of taxable income above 782 200 587 593 + 45% of taxable income above 1 656 600 ANNUAL TAX REBATES AGE Primary Secondary (65 years and older) Teruary (75 years and older) MEDICAL AID TAX CREDITS CRITERIA For the taxpay For the tax payer and one dependent AMOUNT (R) 15 714 8 613 2.871 AMOUNT PER MONTH (R) 332 664 224 For each additionel dependent Bauce www.sars yov zaltax rates) Use TABLE 2 and the information supplied to answer the questions that follow. 2.1.1 Define the term "annual gross salary" in this context 12 2.1.2 Sibiya stated that his annual tax contribution to SARS is R120 770.76. Verify showing ALL calculations, whether his statement is valid. (7) Salary 2.1.3 Sibiya received a salary increase of 6,38% Determine his new gross monthly (4 113