You're the first responding officer at the crime scene. After providing any medical assistance and securing the crime scene, your next immediate task is to record and document the scene in its most original state. Your experience tells you that the scene contains many clues and may need to be described as it was found in court. Explain the reasons why recording and documenting must be done as soon as possible. Also, include how Locard's Exchange Principle impacts the work of documenting and processing the crime scene.
Answer the following questions:
How would you record a crime scene without a camera? What would be an advantage to videoing a crime scene and why or why not should narration while recording be included?
a) Written notes detailing observations, sketches, and measurements.
b) Videoing provides a comprehensive view and can be reviewed later. Narration can provide context and details.
c) Taking photographs using a mobile phone.
d) Videoing can capture dynamic elements of the scene. Narration can help in clarifying details.