Explain in simple terms to 11th graders how to create a self-care toolbox
A) A self-care toolbox is like a kit full of things that help you feel better when you're stressed or upset. You can fill it with things like your favorite music, a journal to write in, or a stress ball to squeeze when you need to relax. It's like having a personal treasure chest of things that make you happy and calm.
B) A self-care toolbox is a container where you keep items that can help you feel better emotionally and mentally. These items could include things like inspirational quotes, calming essential oils, or a list of activities that make you feel good. It's a personalized kit that you can turn to when you need a boost or comfort.
C) A self-care toolbox is like a magic box filled with items that can help you cope with stress and improve your well-being. You can include things like soothing teas, relaxation exercises, or comforting books. Whenever you feel overwhelmed or down, you can open your toolbox and use these items to feel better.
D) A self-care toolbox is a collection of tools and resources that you can use to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally. You can fill it with things like affirmations, mindfulness exercises, or your favorite comforting activities. It's a way to have a self-care plan ready whenever you need it.