1. Natural disaster that is a shaking of the Earth's crust caused by a volcanic eruption or by the release of energy along a fault in the crust. Earthquake 2. The plates of Earth are constantly growing at one end, disappearing at the other, shifting alongside the other plates, and pushing headlong into others. Tectonic plate movement 3. Triggered by the rising magma beneath active volcanoes and less destructive and weaker earthquake. 4. Displacements along fault fissures in the Earth's layer. 5. The area on the surface directly above the focus. 6. Little earthquakes following the initial one. 7. The underground point of origin. 8. The break in the rock where the movement that has caused the earthquake occur. 9. It is also called as circum-Pacific belt. 10. The strength of shaking during the earthquake. 11. Measure the amount and duration of movements of the ground using the seismograph. 12. Instrument used for detecting and measuring earthquakes. 13. Japanese word means "harbor wave". CHOICES: Intensity Fault Magnitude Focus Volcanic Earthquake Epicenter Tsunami Tectonic Earthquake Earthquake Seismograph Tectonic Plate Movement Aftershocks Ring of Fire​