Ten patients with advanced diabetic nephropathy (kidney complications of diabetes) were treated with captopril over 8 weeks. Urinary protein was measured before and after drug therapy, with the results listed below. Use Stata to perform the test in (a) using both the raw and natural log (i.e. ln) scale, and report a p-value. Are there any advantages to using the raw or the ln scale? 1 25.6 10.1 3.24 2.31 2 17.0 5.7 2.83 1.74 3 16.0 5.6 2.77 1.72 4 10.4 3.4 2.34 1.22 5 8.2 6.5 2.10 1.87 6 7.9 0.7 2.07 -0.36 7 5.8 6.1 1.76 1.81 8 5.4 4.7 1.69 1.55 9 5.1 2.0 1.63 0.69 10 4.7 2.9 1.55 1.06