B. Analyze the professional practice experience (PPE) by doing the following:Describe a situation in which you observed or participated in interdepartmental collaboration and the result of that collaboration. The discussion should provide sufficient detail about the collaboration between the departments involved. Please provide more information about how effective communication, shared goals, and mutual respect were demonstrated in the collaboration, how disruptions were avoided, and how data accuracy and accessibility were improved due to the collaboration with IT and training. Please use the following as a guide:I observed a situation where our department collaborated with the IT and training departments to transition from one electronic medical record system to another. Through effective communication, shared goals, and mutual respect, the collaboration resulted in a smooth transition to the new system, minimizing disruptions to patient care and improving data accuracy and accessibility.The transition was from the Credible electronic medical record system to the CareVoyant EMR system.During the initial stages of implementing the new software, glitches associated with uploading patient files were noticed (not uploading properly). My preceptor, who was the project manager and the rest of the quality management team, worked with IT and the vendor to fix issues. During the rollout, some of the case managers were have issues submmiting clinical documents after patient doctor appointment. This, too was addressed using effective communication: active listening, giving and receiving feedback as well as creating a course to train staff who were having problem using the system.