For this activity, you will be responsible for creating:

Cast of Characters
Script (1-2 page minimum)
Opening arguments
Testimony for both sides
Closing arguments
1-2 paragraph explanation of the final ruling and how the jury may have deliberated
Use the following step-by-step instruction to help guide you through this task and create an amazing scripted mock trial.

Step 1: Develop/understand the background of the trial and how the trial will flow.

Gain a clear understanding regarding the law that was broken.

What law was broken? Is the law easy to understand?
Does the law apply evenly to everyone?
Step 2: Check out some sample mock trial scripts before you begin writing.

By visiting some of the following links, you can read and get a feel for what a mock trial script might look like:

Texting While Driving
United States vs. McPherson
Step 3: Create a cast of characters.

Identify and summarize each of the following individual’s role:
Plaintiff + Defendant
In a criminal trial, the sides are labeled Prosecution (the Government) vs. Defense.
In order to tell the whole story, you will likely want to create a character or two (in addition to the characters already involved in the case) to add to your list of witnesses. For example, to tell Jamie’s side of the story, you may want to create a teacher or a mother who can talk about Jamie’s character (for the defense) or a customer who witnessed the event and could speak on behalf of the store (for the prosecution).
Step 4: Start writing!

Opening Statements: Write an opening statement for each side
Testimonies: Write the testimony for each side using witnesses to prove their case.
Here, you will write the dialogue for each side as they call witnesses and try to prove their case. Each side must call at least one witness to the stand for questioning.
Make sure to include notes regarding body language such as gestures, verbal tone, and inflection during testimony.
You will also want to consider if either side will present any evidence to support their testimonies. If so, you will want to introduce and explore that here.
Closing Statements: Summarize each side’s case in their closing statements.
Deliberation/Final Ruling: Although you will not need to script the jury deliberation, you will need to decide who won the case and script the judge’s announcement of the final ruling.
Write 1–2 paragraphs exploring what the conversation may have been whil