A mother calls your breastfeeding warm line with an issue. Her breastfeeding 6 month old infant has been diagnosed with acute HSV1 stomatitis. She was told that she should not breastfeed her child, but her child refuses bottles. She has a single cold sore on her lip as well. She wants your recommendation. Your best answer is ________.
1) Continue breastfeeding because mother already has antibodies to HSV1 as evidenced by the presence of a cold sore.
2) Don't feed directly at the breast until his lesions are healed and the child is afebrile due to risk of local transmission of HSV1. Use alternative feeding methods.
3) Continue feeding at the breast, otherwise her child is at risk of dehydration as he refuses a bottle.
4) Don't feed at the breast for 2 days to avoid the peak of viral shedding from the lesions.