Research various sources and find another contamination incident that became newsworthy and was brought to the public's attention. Please note: The incident should be a recent event, in Canada, but if not Canada, find a North/Central American event (this includes Mexico). Using as many of the "Tools of TQM" as you wish, and other research or analysis tools you are aware of or find in your research, identify as much information about the incident/issue as possible. Answer the following questions: Does the defect or contamination result solely from the producer' own materials, or can it be traced to other sources? How can we isolate the cause of the situation? Can it be easily and confidently corrected, or is there potential for reoccurrence? If reoccurrence might happen, how can we reduce or eliminate the problem? Are there ways for us to mitigate the impact of the event? How do we reassure the customers and the public? Are there other questions that should be asked and answered?

a) Answer these questions based on the given scenario
b) Answer these questions based on the given scenario
c) Answer these questions based on the given scenario
d) Answer these questions based on the given scenario