During today's meeting, Zerith led the group in a brainstorming activity to generate ideas for the project. Janelle, Atmir, and Marco offered several great ideas, and shared examples of how they handled similar issues. When one offered an idea, the others quickly built on that idea and offered more ideas of their own. Jai, an international student, listened patiently to the ideas offered by the group without offering any ideas of his own. When asked directly about his thoughts and ideas, Jai would start to share his thoughts, but would frequently pause to find the correct words to use. Other group members would quickly take over and dismiss his ideas. Members of the group assumed that Jai simply didn't have the language skills to keep up, and therefore, did not have anything to add to the group discussion. However, in Jai's culture, it is considered bad manners to speak when others are speaking, so when interrupted, he would pause until other group members were done speaking. Jai seemed willing to do work assigned to him, but Zerith was concerned about the lack of input from Jai, and why Jai was so quiet during the meeting. After the meeting, Zerith made
a) Jai's quietness a topic for discussion in the next meeting
b) Efforts to understand Jai's cultural communication norms
c) Assignments more suited to Jai's skills
d) Decisions without considering Jai's input