The German chemist Fritz Haber (1868-1934, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1918) was able to synthesize ammonia (NH₃) by reacting 125M H₂ and 125M N₂ at about 500°C. At equilibrium, the mixture contained 0.543 M NH₃. What is the value of Kc for the reaction at this temperature? What is the value of Kp?
a. Kc = 442, Kp = 9.06 × 10⁻²
b. Kc = 385, Kp = 9.06 × 10⁻²
c. Kc = 355, Kp = 4.02 × 10⁻⁵
d. Kc = 436, Kp = 4.02 × 10⁵