ntroduction: Students performed an experiment using eggs to observe the effect of osmosis on cells. The egg represented a typical cell. Before beginning the experiment, students soaked the raw eggs overnight in vinegar to remove the shells. What they had in hand, then, was actually a raw, shell-less egg.

Procedure: Day 1 – Students found the mass in grams of their shelled eggs, recording the mass in the data table. The eggs were placed in a beaker and covered with 200 mL vinegar to remove the shells.

Day 2 – The eggs were removed from the vinegar. Visual observations were recorded. The shell-less eggs were wiped dry, massed, and the mass was recorded in the data table. The eggs were placed in a clean beaker and covered with a 10% saltwater solution.

Day 3 – The eggs were removed from the saltwater and visual observations were made and recorded. The eggs were wiped dry , massed, and the mass was recorded. The eggs were placed in a clean beaker and covered with sugar (Kayro) syrup.

Day 4 – The eggs were removed from the syrup and visual observations were made and recorded. The eggs were carefully wiped with a damp cloth, massed, and the mass was recorded. The eggs were placed in a clean beaker and covered with colored (red, green, or blue) distilled water.

Day 5 – The eggs were removed from the water and visual observations were made and recorded. The eggs were dried, massed, and the mass was recorded. Students organized their data and made a bar graph comparing how the solutions affected their egg's (cell’s) mass. Data: One student group’s data is recorded here.

Based on the data in the table, the students can conclude that which substance is hypertonic?
A vinegarvinegar
B salt watersalt water
C Kayro syrupKayro syrup
D distilled water

ntroduction: Students performed an experiment using eggs to observe the effect of osmosis on cells. The egg represented a typical cell. Before beginning the experiment, students soaked the raw eggs overnight in vinegar to remove the shells. What they had in hand, then, was actually a raw, shell-less egg.

Procedure: Day 1 – Students found the mass in grams of their shelled eggs, recording the mass in the data table. The eggs were placed in a beaker and covered with 200 mL vinegar to remove the shells.

Day 2 – The eggs were removed from the vinegar. Visual observations were recorded. The shell-less eggs were wiped dry, massed, and the mass was recorded in the data table. The eggs were placed in a clean beaker and covered with a 10% saltwater solution.

Day 3 – The eggs were removed from the saltwater and visual observations were made and recorded. The eggs were wiped dry , massed, and the mass was recorded. The eggs were placed in a clean beaker and covered with sugar (Kayro) syrup.

Day 4 – The eggs were removed from the syrup and visual observations were made and recorded. The eggs were carefully wiped with a damp cloth, massed, and the mass was recorded. The eggs were placed in a clean beaker and covered with colored (red, green, or blue) distilled water.

Day 5 – The eggs were removed from the water and visual observations were made and recorded. The eggs were dried, massed, and the mass was recorded. Students organized their data and made a bar graph comparing how the solutions affected their egg's (cell’s) mass. Data: One student group’s data is recorded here.

Based on the data in the table, the students can conclude that which substance is hypertonic?
A vinegarvinegar
B salt watersalt water
C Kayro syrupKayro syrup
D distilled water