Using the transformer ratings as the base quantities, solve Problem 3.14 from last week's homework (reiterated below) in per-unit. A single-phase, 60-kVA, 2400/240-volt, 60-Hz distribution transformer is used as a step-down transformer at the load end of a 2400 -volt feeder whose series impedance is (2.0+j3.5) ohms. The equivalent series impedance of the transformer is (1.5+j4) ohms referred to the high! voltage (primary) side. The transformer is delivering rated load at 0.8 power factor lagging and at rated secondary voltage. Neglecting the transformer exciting current, determine: (a) the voltage at the transformer primary terminals, (b) the voltage at the sending end of the feeder (c) the real and reactive power delivered to the sending end of the feeder