Once extracted, coal is transported to power plants and industrial facilities for __________. During this stage, coal is burned in boilers to produce steam, which drives turbines connected to generators, generating electricity. However, coal combustion releases carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to air pollution, acid rain, and climate change. Despite its environmental __________, coal remains a significant source of energy for electricity generation and industrial processes in many parts of the world. Efforts to address the environmental impact of coal use include the development of cleaner coal technologies, such as flue gas __________ and carbon __________ and storage, as well as the promotion of renewable energy alternatives.
A) Erosion; Neutrality; Leakage; Release
B) Expansion; Drawbacks; Desulfurization; Capture
C) Evaporation; Benefits; Toxification; Emission
D) Combustion; Benefits; Amplification; Exposure