Identify a skill deficit that would best respond with Discrete Trial Training (DTT). Find at least one research article on the use of Discrete Trial Training for the identified skill deficit OR find a recent article on the evolution of DTT and current best practices. Use this article as support to design the instructional plan. Discover a detailed program using DTT procedures for treatment. (download attached template)
Requirements for Project 7:
Find at least one research article not assigned to this course that addresses Discrete Trial Training. Use this article as support to develop your plan. You will upload this article along with your completed assignment.
Identify a skill deficit in your client. It should be a behavior/skill that would respond to an intervention using Discrete Trial Training.
Turn in a WORD document (no more than four pages, double-spaced) with the following components in this order:
Three sentence description of the target client (maintain anonymity);
Give an operational definition of the ultimate goal, intermediate goal and target skill/s to be taught by DTT.
Give a detailed description of DTT. Must be complete enough to be easily identified as a valid example of behavioral treatment
Include all the components outlined on the template: goal, specific targets, materials, procedure, error correction, reinforcement procedure, mastery criteria, and maintenance/generalization plan.
Describe how you will measure changes in the target behavior (i.e., attach data sheet);