The Honorable Mayes Middleton P.O. Box 12068 Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711 RE: Galveston's primary environmental problem is plastic pollution. Controlling plastic pollution on Galveston's beaches is imperative. Dear Middleton My name is Dhananjoy Paul, and I am a regional center consumer community member who resides in your district. I am concerned with plastic pollution in our community. There (is/is not) currently any citizen action surrounding this issue, and there are (list who all are affected by this challenge) affected by this challenge. Scope of the problem: Historically, this environmental challenge is being exacerbated by (where is the pollutant coming from. Who is responsible for the release in your community? Provide details in the next couple sentences). This problem is (spread throughout the community in regions XXX / isolated to one area, specifically XXX. Include a personal story of being affected if you have one). These pollutants have impacts on (state who is affected. Which people? Which wildlife? What resources? If there is demographic data such as effects of this on poorer communities primarily, describe that here). This poses environmental justice concerns because (describe justice concerns). (Describe why clean-up is so important based on who is impacted).