Assignment 9: Flight Tracker
Due No Due Date Points 20 Submitting an external tool
Create and initialize a 2D list as shown below.

Miami Atlanta Dallas Los Angeles
New York Chicago Portland Sacramento
Imagine you are coordinating the flights for two planes that hit various cities across the US, East to West. Moreover, these planes hit the same cities on the way back West to East. Write a function that prints out the specified cities East to West and then flips them West to East to illustrate the flight back.

First, write a printList() function that prints out the list. Use a single parameter in the definition of the function, and pass the list you created above as the parameter. Call the function so it prints the original list.

Then, write a flipOrder() function that reverses the order of each sublist containing cities in order to illustrate the stops made on the way back from the trip. Again, this function should pass the original list as the parameter. This function should also use the printList() function at the end to print the reversed list.

Sample Output
Miami Atlanta Dallas Los Angeles
New York Chicago Portland Sacramento

Los Angeles Dallas Atlanta Miami
Sacramento Portland Chicago New York