Please answer the following questions.1. What do you think about flopping in basketball and diving in soccer? Is it morally acceptable to intentionally present the appearance of a foul in order to deceive the referee, get a favorable call, and thereby gain an advantage over one's opponent? Defenders of the practice have suggested that it is, in fact, acceptable and have supported it by using some of the following arguments. It is part of the game. Everyone does it. It keeps the playing field level. Because opponents are doing it, I need to do it too- just to keep the game fair. It usually does not cause much harm. Better teams still win. It is a skill that can be (and is) practiced. People who "sell" apparent fouls well should be rewarded from it, just as players are rewarded for passing accurately or displaying other skills. 2. How solid are these arguments in terms of utilitarian thinking on one hand and Kantian ethics on the other? In terms of utilitarian logic, does flopping promote the greatest good for the greatest number? Remember, this logic does not refer to the greatest good only for oneself. Furthermore, if diving does promote the greatest good, what kind of goods would those be? 3. In terms of Kantian ethics and deontological thinking, can flopping be universalized? In other words, if everyone flopped regularly, would this phenomenon undo the advantage gained currently by a few athletes who flop only occasionally? Furthermore, does diving violate the rights of one's opponent? Does it place the official or referee in the role of serving as a means to one's own competitive ends? Is diving a form of lying to an official?

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