Patients who are bedridden often develop edema. Which of the following helps explain this occurrence?
a. Unine production is necessary for the movement of lymph. Patients that are bedsiden heve decreased kidney function which means they will developm
b. Contraction of skeletal muscles facilitates the movement of lymph through the vessats. The one way valves in the lymph vessels prevere hackdow and tap the had moving toward the ducts to empty into the veins. When bedridden patients are not moving, they are not helping the lymph continue fonwand progress o system
c. Bedridden patients always heve an increase in blood pressure which increases the ner Sitration that occurs at the rapitary bed. Thes increases the auth
extracellufar space.
d. Patents that are bedndden always have decreased over function. This means they produce less albumin and theretore have read at at the Th increases edema